Stock Market Map on iPad - interactive map of the stock market - S&P 500 Map


Enter the world of investing with Troutwood’s map of the financial markets, an interactive stock market map that displays stock quotes, an S&P 500 map, financial news and much more for domestic and global publicly traded companies.

Stock Market Map on Laptop - interactive map of the stock market - S&P 500 Map



  • Stock market index
  • Stock market sector
  • Fundamental analysis
  • Technical analysis
  • Performance history
  • Individual companies
  • And more!

Select the S&P 500 map, choose another indice, or travel the globe to learn more about publicly traded companies from around the world.

Troutwood Stock Market S&P 500 Map Bubble Metrics - filter feature


Explore the stock market with customizable bubble metrics that display fundamental and technical characteristics of publicly traded companies.

Customize your experience with sector selection, index ranking and hover features.